The Gardening Community

This is where we discover what our customers are doing - and wearing - in their gardens.

Jill and the team of volunteer gardeners

We received this lovely contribution from Jill Stewart and we sent her a £50 voucher to spend at Genus. Sulgrave Manor in Northamptonshire is the ancestral home of George Washington with...
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Andy Adams in Genus

Catherine sent us this picture showing her husband wearing Genus from top to toe, along with a description of his gardening life. In return, we sent her a voucher for a £50 discount off...
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The RHS Malvern Spring Festival

Nestled under a backdrop of the stunning Malvern hills, The RHS Malvern Spring Festival is a fabulous way to kick off the garden show season.  With ample on-site parking and...
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Marion Ackrill - Volunteer Park Ranger and Genus Customer

Marion sent us this picture showing her wearing Genus Gardening Trousers, and a description of her work as a Volunteer Park Ranger in Headington Hill Park, Oxford.  In return, we...
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Catherine in Cumbria

We're constantly impressed by what Genus customers get up to in our gear.  From creating incredible orchards, landscapes and allotments, to using them on archaeological digs.Last week, we received a...
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The Garden at Rugg Farm

Don’t try using the front door at Rugg Farm; plants are the doorkeepers here barring your access to the 200-year-old farmhouse and giving a clue as to what can be...
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The Garden at Plumley House

Entering through the gates at Plumley House the first things you see are huge granite boulders of monumental proportions deposited there at the end of the last ice age.  Time...
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The Garden Near Bridgnorth

An 18th century farmhouse with beautiful mixed borders and an exceptional range of roses. As you turn into the driveway of Susanna’s home near Bridgenorth the mid 18th century red...
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The Garden at Follyfield Cottage

Ruth and Neale Brydon had to wait eight years to find the perfect garden.  After an eight-year spell working in the United States Ruth longed to return to the UK...
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The Garden at Rocklands

The gentle approach to Mary and John Thurston’s home ‘Rocklands’ in Gloucestershire is via a serpentine metalled driveway that weaves gently through camelias, rhododendrons, and mature sweet chestnuts.  Access to...
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The Garden off the High Street

An 18th century townhouse with a mature beautifully laid out garden with an exceptional plant palette. Jill and William Stewart have lived at their home near Towcester for 40 years...
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Gardening - a spiritual experience?

In her 1913 collection of poems, Dorothy Frances Gurney wrote, The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's Heart in...
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Oasis in the Sky

With careful planning, you can create a green haven on your balcony that’s full of scent and colour. First, it’s important to check how much weight your balcony can take,...
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Grow Your Own on a Balcony

With a national lockdown and supermarkets depleted, producing your own fruit and vegetables has more appeal than ever.  And there’s so much you can grow in the smallest of spaces....
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Women in the Garden

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and with the shops filling up with cards and flowers it got us thinking about the relationship between women and gardening.  I suppose...
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Our New Year resolution:do more gardening

It’s January 1st and with pen poised over a sheet of paper, we’re planning how we’re going to make the very best of 2020.  Some of us are focused on...
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Christmas gifts for gardeners

It’s getting to look a lot like that time of year! We have been really busy here in the Genus packing shed over the last week, as the rush to...
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Forget yoga, try gardening this winter

Exercise addicts are always trying to convince us of the benefits of yoga – increased flexibility, stronger joints and bones and a relaxed body and mind. But did you know...
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Five inspiring ideas for your roof garden

Gardens don’t have to be at ground-level: there are plenty of city dwellers making the most of their available space by creating picture-perfect gardens on rooftops and balconies. Here are five...
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Autumn colour therapy

We have written a number of blogs about how great gardening is for improving gardener’s general levels of health and fitness.  Our health and wellbeing though, is not just a...
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Gardening and the five senses

Gardening is renowned for its therapeutic benefits, helping you to feel more relaxed, alleviating symptoms of stress and depression and allowing you to enjoy nature. In Japan, gardens are designed...
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