Marion Ackrill - Volunteer Park Ranger and Genus Customer

Marion Ackrill - Volunteer Park Ranger and Genus Customer

Marion sent us this picture showing her wearing Genus Gardening Trousers, and a description of her work as a Volunteer Park Ranger in Headington Hill Park, Oxford.  In return, we sent her a voucher for a £50 discount off any item in the Genus range.  We welcome more contributions like this from customers..

Headington Hill Park offers tranquil walks and byways in and among massive trees from around the world.  Oxford City's secret gem is open 24/7, giving all who stroll, jog, sit, chat, write, take photos – whatever - somewhere calm to be.  Over time, interesting new trees are being added, giving the parkland the feel of an informal arboretum.  Trees are labelled, with tree trails inviting exploration across the grass, some mown, some long.   Between, around and inside Tree World, people help themselves to a log or bench and enjoy the views; dogs welcome.

As the park Volunteer Ranger I'm removing dead wood, self-sown saplings and brambles to reveal special trees, create longer views, increase the play of light and shadow across the ground, open informal pathways off paved paths.  I'm removing redundant tree stakes and building permanent woodpiles in the park's hinterlands.

Saw blades are frequently replaced, a very extendable saw my latest acquisition, though tree climbing is still a delight, yews and ironwoods especially.

I'm enjoying spontaneous encounters with walkers, so often amusing, moving or suddenly interesting; my park journal records the hours, tasks, and conversations I want to remember.

After several hours' hard labour I return home knackered, yet a few hours later I can't wait to get back to the park and continue the work started in November 2021.

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Wildlife in the garden - toads

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