Front gardens

Front gardens

I would like to make the argument that front gardens are more important than back gardens and not just because they under the glare of every passing person!  My reason is, that you do tend to walk through your front garden every day of the year, to and from your front door.  Whereas you may not venture out into the rear garden each and every day.  Front gardens need to look joyful and inspiring all year round, but especially during the darkest winter months when we all need our spirits to be lifted.

I will always plant plenty of winter interest shrubs, especially those with scented flowers.  Daphne is a good contender as a spirit-lifting plant, choose some of the smaller varieties if space is at a premium, such as Daphne x transatlantica ‘Pink Fragrance’.  Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis (commonly known as Christmas Box) is wonderful too.  Early emerging winter blubs are essential, harbingers of spring that poke their stems up through the coldest of soils at a time when nothing much is even daring to grow. Bulbs are excellent if space is limited and can grow up though ground cover and low-growing shrubs.  Iris reticulta is one of the best early risers, Narcissus bulbicodium is pure magic and may look extremely delicate but is deceptively tough.

If you don’t have a front garden then a few well-placed pots with winter flowering shrubs and bulbs will do the job nicely.  Think how happy it will make the person delivering your post!

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