We are very lucky to have two semi mature horse chestnut trees in the Genus garden. They shelter our three large leafmould enclosures and provide us with a degree of...
Incredibly reliable and requiring so little attention our two Leycesteria formosa or Himalayan Honeysuckle are real beacons in the garden at this time of year. Making a change from the...
We love our beautiful anemones that grow quietly away with little fuss or interference from us. They bring a splash of light into the north side of the house, welcoming...
We always grow far too many tomatoes. Packets of tomato seeds seem to be one of the favourite choices for gardening magazines to give away and we sow all of these free seeds. Unfortunately,...
There’s plenty to harvest this month. And with the days getting shorter and cooler, try to make the most of the remaining warmth and enjoy your late summer garden. Dig...
Joff, our gardener, has been on holiday for the last three weeks so everything is behind and the rest of the team have been struggling to fit in some gardening...
It’s a very busy time in the Genus garden. The flower garden can pretty much look after itself for a few weeks, just a bit of weeding, tying in, and...
It’s June and the Genus garden is really beginning to bloom. The downside of all the seasonal growth is the constant battle with weeds. It’s one of the most important...
Last weekend it was World Naked Gardening Day and just for once the weather was kind to those busying with their borders in the buff. Here at Genus we are of...
We’ve been asking gardeners this question for some time now. The answers embody universal truths, as well as being as personal and individual as the gardeners themselves. They make great...
One of the very best things about Christmas is the gift giving, and how much nicer if those gifts come from the heart as homemade treats? The garden is a...
Although many gardeners might think that summer abundance is coming to an end and the only option is for their garden to look ‘green’ at this time of year, with the warmer climate we have these days, the summer in recent years...
The days are getting longer and, despite the most dreadful weather over the last few days, there is a sniff of Spring in the Genus garden, so we have started...
Well, it’s here. December has arrived. The weather for the past three days has been gorgeous, cold, crisp, and frosty. The garden looks like Christmas is on the way, so...
Too many courgettes? There are some really tasty ways to deal with the garden glutHere in the Genus vegetable garden, we have reached the season of the garden glut particularly...
The Chelsea show is now upon us. Fantastic.The other thing that gardener’s turn their attention to at this time of year as well, is the “Chelsea chop”. We’ll be out...
The snowdrops are out en masse in the Genus garden. Carpeting banks in the woodland garden they bring a little spot of liveliness into the otherwise bleakness of late winter....
It’s been chilly in the Genus garden this week, we think that autumn 2016 has probably arrived at last. The leaves have properly started to turn from green to their...
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The Genus Garden - Musings From Joff, Our Head Gardener