Tulip Planting December is a great month to plant out tulips with this later planting helping avoid tulip fire, a fungal disease that leaves them with twisted and distorted with...
Bean Deep With space in the vegetable garden now freely available it can be a good time to plant broad beans in an empty bed. We favour ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ a...
Strawberry Patch Towards the end of September is a good time to tidy up your strawberry patch. Old leaves and runners can be removed and a handful of pelleted chicken...
Tame your wisteria Your Wisteria will have put on lots of growth in the last few months with long ‘whips’ reaching out and searching for new surfaces to conquer including...
Ear Clipping Furry leaved Stachys, or lambs ears as it is affectionately known, can be tidied up now. Cut back the old flower stems to the ground and use the...
Hampton Hack Following last months Chelsea Chop can come the Hampton Hack. To be carried out anytime now and into next month, many perennials will have flowered and will now...
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