Tender Plants Towards the end of the month it’s time to bring in your tender plants if you haven’t done so already. Pelargoiniums, aeoniums, Echeveria, and many of the salvias...
Hampton Hack Following last month's Chelsea Chop can come the Hampton Hack. To be carried out anytime now and into next month many perennials will have flowered and will now...
More spuds you like The rest of your potato planting can be carried out this month but have you chitted, that is, let the tubers sprout little green shoots, in...
Strawberry Patch Towards the end of September is a good time to tidy up your strawberry patch. Old leaves and runners can be removed and a handful of pelleted chicken...
Tame your wisteria Your Wisteria will have put on lots of growth in the last few months with long ‘whips’ reaching out and searching for new surfaces to conquer including...
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