University gets students gardening

University gets students gardening

It seems gardening hasn’t just come to schools – it’s making its way to universities as well, starting with the University of Newcastle which has announced a number of innovative projects to get its students gardening.

‘Grow your own’ brewery

The university has launched its own microbrewery in a disused barn on the campus, in which students will brew beer from raw materials, including hops and barley, grown in the campus allotment.

Grow and sell vegetables

Students are being encouraged to help grow organic vegetables in the University gardens, with the produce being sold back to their peers through campus shops. And a three-quarter acre orchard has been opened to be managed and maintained by undergraduates.

Apiary acquisitions

This commitment to gardening is not restricted to urban food growth. The acquisition of two apiaries will help students learn some of the principles of animal husbandry, and provide the necessary bees to help pollinate and propagate growth throughout the orchard, garden and allotments.

This focus on teaching students gardening will equip them with new and valuable skills, and provide an exciting new urban oasis in the centre of Newcastle. We at Genus Gardenwear will be following the progress of these projects with interest!

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